Lots going on Thrill Seekers!
First of all...please go to my web site at Sierra Martial Arts & Fitness to check out what's new with our training and certifications! So much has transformed in the last few months and I will continue to update and post info as time allows. Suffice it to say that these turn of events have created such a HUGE sense of freedom in how we train and teach.
A big thank you to Professor Paul C. Holley and his organizations for all his assistance to my children and me and for his dedication to and the advancement of the integrity of the Martial Arts. Also, another thank you goes out to Sensei Pasquale Albino for his contributions to and assistance with promulgating the arts throughout the years, as well as his assistance to my students and me. Both of these Martial Artists are definitely "forward thinkers" and great assets to the arts.
We will be developing DVD's of our system shortly and they will be available for distance training with an optional certification program available. More info will be available as the project moves forward. This would be a great package to pick up and use for people who home school their children and would like to involve their kids in something other than the traditional physical education curriculum or for someone who has always wanted to learn the martial arts but isn't comfortable in a group setting. The possibilities are endless.
OK gang...one last "thing". As the weather is heating up, please remember to stay hydrated not only when you are exerting energy but also when you are at rest. Heat exhaustion can creep up on you very quickly and once you feel "really thirsty"...it's too late. Lots of water & electrolyte replacement drinks such as Gatorade will help keep your body's core temperature in check during the summer months.
Stay strong...stay focused...train with purpose.
Until next time,
Sensei Tim