After a long period of agonizing over the direction of my teaching and what the Martial Arts mean to me...I have come to the conclusion that in order for me to be able to move forward and to be able to genuinely contribute to the arts in a positive way, I have decided to work on my own "style" or system of self-defense called the SMA American Karate System of Self-Defense.
This system is a combination of all the "styles" I have learned over the years as well as what I will continue to learn as the years progress. I am truly excited about this endeavor. It has been a lot of work but something I feel will be a very rewarding experience for me as well as my students and others who are interested in a system of self-defense that will be easy to learn and even more importantly, easy to apply. As the Martial Arts are ever evolving, so too will this system evolve. This is a work in progress and will be updated as often as is needed with new ideas and material to keep up with the ever changing face of 21st Century combatives.
This system will also be available as a DVD package for home-study as well as reference material for current students. Check this blog as well as the Sierra Martial Arts web site for updates.
OK thrill seekers...that's it for now.
Stay strong...train from the heart.
Until next time,
Sensei Tim