Hello to one and all and welcome to my web blog dedicated to all things Martial Arts and beyond! My name is Sensei Tim Gannon and I am a Black Belt in Shaolin-Kempo-Karate as well as a Certified Fitness Trainer, a Certified Functional Strength Trainer and a Certified Sports Nutritionist. I will be offering my thoughts on everything from the state of the Martial Arts as I see it today to what it takes to be at the top of your game physically, mentally and spiritually as well as offering training and nutrition tips for overall conditioning. I welcome all feedback and encourage you to send your comments about what I have written. Please join me as this takes shape and keep your eyes open for news on a new training system called the ISK Kempo International that is being developed by my Sensei, Shihan Matt Thomas. More on this in a future post.
Thanks for checking in and remember...train from the heart and help keep the Martial Arts spirit alive!
Until next time,
Sensei Tim